Wednesday, November 08, 2006

October 21, 2006-My 23rd Birthday

I woke up the morning of my birthday not to sure of how the day was going to be. My mom woke me up by singing me Happy Birthday. We wet over to her friend Jennifers', where Jennifer and her kids had prepared a birthday breakfast for us all. It was scrumptious!!! After breakfast mom, Isiah and I headed to the PX. We had fun running around being silly. As soon as we got home, I had to start on the food I was bringing to the family dinner, walnut tartlets and Shore is Good seafood dip.
The family dinner was nice, good food and good friends. But I couldn't get into the spirit of things. I am usually one of the first people in the pool with the twins, but not this time, I just wasn't up for it. The day just seemed sort of empty, something meaning someone was missing. It is so hard to celebrate birthdays and holidays without Kierra. She made such a big deal about all that stuff, its strange and saddening not having her here to celebrate with.

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