Thursday, May 11, 2006


Well as all of you know, this is my first experience at this whole college thing. So be prepared for many a blog about school, its pretty much taking over my life, which I love. If that makes my a dork, oh well!!! I have always heard horror stories about professors, so I was a little nervous about what kind of professors I would end up with. I picked my classes based on my schedule not on who taught the class. So I went into my classes blindly, not knowing what to expect.
Well let me just tell you, I have been blessed with the best professors EVER!!! My psychology class is 3 hours long, forever, I know. But it doesn't seem that way. Class just flies right by!!! I have Dr. Julian Stratmann. She is what I want to be like when I "grow up." My English class is a much shorter class. I never thought I would enjoy writing essays, but surprise surprise, I DO!!! Plus the textbook is great, filled with essays, and tips for writing essays. I am taking a Math and History class online, the professors on there seem pretty cool too. I lucked out and I am so thankful for that!!!

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