Sunday, June 03, 2007

Little Birdie

I have always had a love of birds, especially little baby birds that can not yet take care of themselves. Its seems every spring, a new little baby bird finds their way to me. This year is no different. My moms boss found a bird on the base, so she brought her home to me. I broke out my little bird cage, liquid bird food, and I made a little nest for her to sleep in. She is doing well and eating alot. I have named her Bethi, after my moms bosses daughter. She is just the cutest little thing, she is already learning how to balance on my finger. And at night she nestles into her little nest, SO CUTE!!!

*UPDATE* I have since discovered that Bethi is actually a boy. Oops!!! He now goes by the name Apollo.


Well to day was a very busy day at work. I, and about 8 other girls had to be at the store at 6 in the morning. Meaning Brenda had to wake up at 4:30a.m. I spent the whole day sizing and resizing bras and panties in Casique. Our new manager starts tomorrow, so the store needed to look perfect. We didn't finish until about 2:30, and the store was packed when we left. I am super tired, yet I can't see to fall asleep. Oh, and I am getting my tattoo on Saturday, Kierra's birthday.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Let's See...

What has been going on in the life of Brenda? I have been in my new management position now for one month. There have been some ups and downs. Stress is a bitch!!! The Store Manager quit and we will have a new one on Monday. Which I couldn't be happier about, the store was slowly dying, and now we will be revived!!! I know alot of the girls that work there now will be leaving soon after the new manager starts, they are so use to working(or not working, I should say) with someone who really didn't care about the store and what happened to it. So its a new beginning and I am very excited and looking forward to some hard work.
I have been so busy working a full time schedule that I haven't had much time to see the people that are most important in my life. I was able to go out twice last week though. I more stuff to tell you about, but I have to be at work at 6 in the morning, yay!