As I look at pictures of Kierra, like this one, I always make myself think that she is still here. I think to myself, I need to call her and see whats up and why I haven't seen her lately. Then it hits me like a rock all over again, like the first time I heard the news, she's gone. I miss her calls. I can still hear her voicemails in my mind. " Hey there hot stuff, when you get a hot minute, call me ok sweetie!" Just a sample of her regular messages.
This week I seem so emotionally charged. Everything makes me want to cry. I can't even watch a soap comercial with out tearing up. I am an emotional wreck. I don't know if its the thought that her birthday is coming up, she would have been 25. Would have been, even that simple sentence shakes me to my very core. I am still waiting for her to call me and ask me what we are doing for her birthday. " It's my birthday, you know we HAVE to go out! " I have to keep telling myself, Brenda, she is gone and that call is not coming. I don't want to believe it. Life without my best friend is a journey everyday. That seems to get harder every day. Imagine going through your life without that one person that you tell everything to, life without the one person who is there for you no matter what. Never judges you, always loves you just for being you.
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