Well for the next few days we went lobstering, fishing and snorkeling. We ended up staying an extra day. That day turned out to be the best lobstering day and I got sun burnt. Chasidy, Jim and I went out on the boat to go snorkeling then go fishing. Well we never made it to fishing because we ran out of gas!!! It was really funny. Donna had to come save us. On the way home we Chasidy and I stopped a few places, did a little shopping and made it home 7 at night. I had sooooo much fun and did lots of cool things and managed to not get a sun burn until the last day we were there. Here are some pictures I took while we were there. I took them with my phone so their no to great, but they are the best I could do. Enjoy!
The house we stayed in. Nice huh?

Open water

Some lobsters

The Navy Marina

Off the side of the house

Craziest hermit crab EVER!!!

Off the side of the house again

A really cool looking church on Duval Street

Chasidy's first lobster

Off the side of the boat

The Southern Most Point in the U.S.A

Side of house again

1 comment:
Okay, glad you had fun.. was beginning to worry!! The kids & I are having Brenda withdrawals!! Call me when you get a chance you gypsy girl! Love ya, MJ
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